The secrets of Black and Gray: How to dilute inks correctly?

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Emerson and Armando are renowned tattoo artists with unique styles. Emerson, with experience in both Venezuela and New York, has developed a distinctive technique that combines elements.

Emerson Pavón has been characterized by having a fairly traditional style focused on realism and that each piece is meticulously designed to obtain professional quality and nuance.

One of his best revealed secrets is his technique to dilute the inks using a Cap with water and a few drops of black that allows him to have a more unique nuance in what is the shading and the background.

On the other hand, the professional tattoo artist also explains that one of his best techniques is to use suitable machines and needles for the elaboration of the tattoo.

Emerson has always been a tattoo artist who has sought to improve and perfect each of his tattoo techniques that lead him to not only have a masterpiece but also help him to position himself thanks to his creative freedom, his vision approach and his execution plan before each design.

Without a doubt, a tattoo artist who recognizes the art of tattooing and seeks to improve and grow every day in his personal and professional area.

The Importance of Experimenting to Find Your Own Tattoo Style

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Have you ever wondered how tattoo artists find their own style? The road to creating a unique style can be long and challenging, but it is a very important and rewarding process. That is why Armando Muñoz tells us about the experience of the talented tattoo artist Armando Muñoz and how he found his own style.

Armando has always had a passion for monsters and integrity, and decided to use these elements as the basis for his tattoo style. However, it was not an easy path. At first, he experimented with many different styles, from traditional to realism, without finding something that really represented him.

It was through experimentation and self-discovery that Armando finally found his own style. He realized that what really inspired him was creating unique monsters and creatures that represented his own personal passions and tastes. By focusing on these elements, he was able to create a unique and distinctive style that represents him as an artist and as a person by fusing that passion with realism, the style that characterizes him.

The importance of experimenting in the world of tattooing cannot be understated. It is through exploring different styles and techniques that you can find and develop your own unique style. Although it can be challenging, it is important to remember that the process of self-discovery and experimentation is fundamental to achieving a strong and authentic artistic identity.

That’s why finding your own tattoo style is a long and challenging road, but a crucial part of any tattoo artist’s career. Through experimentation and exploration of different styles and techniques, you can find what truly inspires and represents you as an artist. As Armando Muñoz did, follow your passions and personal tastes to create a unique style that represents you as an artist and a person.

Realism at its best by Armando Muñoz

Armando Muñoz is a Mexican tattoo artist who has taken the industry by storm with his color realism style, which fuses various tattoo techniques to bring his design to life. His talent and discipline have led him to participate in important conventions around the world, such as the New York Empire State Tattoo Expo, where he created an impressive piece in just three days.

The tattoo that Armando Muñoz made at the convention was the face of a woman, which combines lines, shadows, colors and textures to create a realistic and expressive effect.

To make this tattoo, Armando Muñoz used the Cheyenne 4.0 machine, a flexible and versatile tool that allows him to work with different configurations of needles and voltages. The Cheyenne 4.0 machine is one of the most advanced on the market, as it has a BLDC motor that regulates the power and frequency of the stitches.

In addition, the professional tattoo artist highlighted that the best technique is to draw up an action plan so that you can complete the piece in the established time and dedicate a day exclusively to add details and textures that will undoubtedly give life to any tattoo.

With these simple techniques, Armando Muñoz managed to create a tattoo that dazzled and captivated the eyes thanks to its high level of realism. Without a doubt, realism in all its expression

Creating full color realism by Armando Muñoz.

The realistic tattoo is one of the most demanded thanks to its high level of detail and the characteristics that identify it. That’s why professional tattoo artist and Inknation Studio’s resident artist, Armando Muñoz, will share his secrets for creating a great, realistic, full-color tattoo. 

To create his piece inspired by the good and bad of New York City, Armando Muñoz chose to find representative elements of this city to combine them with his style and thus create a worthy piece for a convention like “ The New York Tattoo. Convention”

One of the characteristics that the tattoo artist highlights is looking for a suitable tattoo machine that adapts to the style of tattoo that you’re going to do and to the characteristics that you consider necessary as a professional. To do this, Armando recommends using a Cheyenne 2.5 machine, the machine he used to create his masterpiece. 

On the other hand, knowing how to combine colors and using the right ones to create your tattoo plays a fundamental role in the design. It is not necessary to use a single range of colors. 

Armando Muñoz combines the same tones to create a unique palette that gives life and background to the tattoo. For that reason, he recommends using professional pigment brands like World Famous.

Keeping these recommendations in mind, you will be able to create a full color realism tattoo that will help you not only elevate the design, but also show your techniques as a professional artist. 

Inknation Studio Podcast

The Inknation Studio Experience

Every day Inknation Studio seeks to innovate, grow and demonstrate that anything is possible as a team. 

For that reason, Inknation Studio was present at “The New York Tattoo Convention”, a convention that brings together great tattoo artists from around the world to show their talent and skills where the studio stood out and received great recognition. 

Live with us the experience and receptivity that Inknation Studio and all its residents had at this great convention.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence for the professional tattoo industry.

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Once again technological advances surprise us and today artificial intelligence has become a new reality. But, what are those advantages and disadvantages that this new technology offers to tattoo artists?

Darwin Enríquez, Zhimpa Moreno and Armando Muñoz talked about this controversial topic in their new episode of Inknation Studio Podcast with the objective that you know the positive and negative points of implementing this technology in your tattoo designs.

Advantages of artificial intelligence when tattooing.

Process automation.

Artificial intelligence allows you the possibility of automating your creative process when designing your tattoo, as it offers you the possibility of creating unique images with the style you want that will serve as inspiration or elements when creating the final design of your tattoo.

Boost your creativity.

Since it’s a system trained exclusively to help you with specific tasks. Artificial intelligence allows you the possibility of obtaining images created just for you, which means that you will have a chance to find unique visual references.

Disadvantages of implementing artificial intelligence in your tattoo.

Lack of qualified professionals.

One of the great drawbacks of artificial intelligence is the lack of qualified or trained people to have basic knowledge on the use of this new technology which means job losses or difficulties for people to quickly acquire the skills to handle this technology.

Problems tattooing the design.

An (AI) image with the elements and style you want can sound very appealing. However, the great challenge that many tattoo artists will face is having the ability to transfer that design to the skin to create a piece that has the same nuances and elements as the image created with artificial intelligence.

With the implementation of artificial intelligence, new advantages and disadvantages will continue to be added to the list. However, it’s important to note that this new technology can be used as a reference, but can never replace the human ability to create professional tattoos on the skin.

The challenges tattoo artists face when migrating and how to overcome them.

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Immigrating to another country is a great challenge. It’s not just about establishing yourself and starting over in a different country than the one you were born in, but about building an artistic reputation that allows you to get new clients and more job opportunities within the tattoo industry.

Even as apprentices and in their struggle to be great professional tattoo artists, Darwin Enríquez, Camilo Tuero and Armando Muñoz had to face various obstacles that paid off thanks to their artistic effort and work.

What were those adversities that these three great tattoo artists had to overcome when starting over in another country?


Undoubtedly, language was the main obstacle. Immigrating to a country where the official language is different from the one you speak was the most difficult thing these artists faced.

Nevertheless, one of the tips that they recommended and implemented at that time was to analyze the people who spoke to them in order to understand through their expressions what they were communicating. This is a great help when you’re still in the process of learning the language.

On the other hand, customer acceptance of the tattoo style performed by each artist was initially a drawback. 

Arriving in a country where its people are used to other styles of tattoos can be intimidating. However, analyzing the market and showing what you’re capable of mixing new styles with your personal stamp were the masterful techniques that helped Darwin Enríquez, Camilo Tuero and Armando Muñoz to establish their style within a new market.

Although these were the biggest challenges, these three tattoo artists also had to put a lot of effort into promoting their tattoo style in order to be recognized. 

Strategies such as participating in conventions, publishing content on social networks, and collaborations with other artists were what undoubtedly helped them in their beginnings. 

Immigrating can be a difficult challenge, but it will depend on your attitude to accept your new environment and build the reputation you want to achieve in your new home.

Inknation Studio

Strategies to sell your tattoo style to your clients

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Trying to include your tattoo style to the idea that a client has in mind is undoubtedly a great challenge.

But, have you ever wondered how to attract new clients and tattoo them with the style that characterizes you?

At Inknation Studio Darwin Enriquez, Emersson Pabon and Armando Muñoz will share with you three of their great techniques used to make your clients trust you, feel safe and are willing to tattoo your style and incorporate new ideas into the design.

Social networks are your ally 

Today, social networks have become the professional portfolio of each person. As a professional tattoo artist, it’s important that you use it to your advantage and post photos or content related to the tattoo style that you like to tattoo or that characterizes you.

In this way, your followers will be able to see what style you tattoo and they will look for you because they want the design that you do for them.

Be honest and persuasive when tattooing

Many clients have great ideas, wishes and suggestions for their tattoos. Don’t close yourself to their suggestions, always listen to what your client wants but also offer them an artistic overview of what would look good in their design.

Being honest is important so that your client trusts you, your artistic vision and the process you are going to carry out.

Managing different techniques will give you better knowledge. 

Even if you stand out for a specific style, it’s important that you know and handle different techniques, shapes and styles of tattooing.

This will help you build more trust with your clients, as they can be sure that you have the skills to create any design geared towards your style. 

With these three wonderful tips you can attract new customers so that your style and originality is what your customers want to buy.

Inknation Studio