Tips for Preventing Your Tattoos From Fading

Tips for Preventing Your Tattoos From Fading

Tattoos are an investment, and enthusiasts take time to choose the style and design. The last thing you want is to not properly care for the tattoo and to have it fade. Following the tips below is important to prevent your tattoo from fading. They will help you preserve the art on your body.

Don’t Skimp on Aftercare

A solid aftercare routine will do wonders for your tattoo. It’s one of the best things you can do to ensure your tattoo looks good for years. A new tattoo is basically an open wound, and caring for it correctly will ensure that it heals right without leaving blemishes and scarring.

Even after the tattoo has healed, continue with a daily care routine. It’s essential for fade prevention and to keep your tattoo looking fresh.

Placement Matters

Location can affect how a tattoo changes over time, including fading. This is because some body areas are more susceptible to changing as you age. This change includes sagging, loss of elasticity, and stretching. Any of these will impact your tattoo’s appearance.

Ink pigments break down when your skin stretches, which leads to fading. Too much friction can eliminate the skin layer that’s protecting your tattoo. Consider avoiding tight clothing in the area with the tattoo to minimize fading.

Choose a Quality Tattoo Artist

When you’re getting a tattoo, it’s important to choose the right tattoo artist. Seeking out a reputable and experienced artist will make a big difference when it comes to fading. They’ll use quality ink and tools, and they understand how to properly provide an excellent tattoo that you’ll love for years to come.

The artist will know how to deliver the ink into the skin properly. Going too deep could lead to infection, but not going deep enough will mean a faded tattoo. A skilled tattoo artist will know exactly what to do.

Provide Protection From the Sun

This tip for tattoo fading prevention is important. Protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays is important, but ensure you preserve your tattoo, too. UV rays gradually break down the ink molecules, causing your tattoo to fade.

Keep your tattoo covered while it’s healing. After the healing process, apply sunscreen to your exposed skin and tattoo. Don’t forget to moisturize daily.

Use the above tips to prevent your tattoo from fading. Don’t forget to use an experienced artist and tattoo parlor. InkNation Studio is the premier tattoo shop in NYC. We’re here to make all your tattoo dreams come true.