Skull tattoos are an extremely popular form of symbolism seen in both culture and tattoos.
A skull tattoo can symbolize death, afterlife, and rebellion while for others it can symbolize a celebration of life. Skull designs can be located on your hands, arms, legs, back, or neck, however it is important to find the right design and concept that you are looking for.
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Skull Tattoo Meaning and Designs
Skull tattoos have different meanings and symbolism. Although the popular meaning can be death, evil and decay, there are others who simply like it due to their aesthetic appeal. Skulls tattoo designs can vary from Sugar Skulls, to Skulls and roses, to human skulls to Grim Reaper tattoos. A lot of clients ask about Skull tattoos, however with the proper elements and designs the skull can portray different meanings. For example, Skulls with a Grim Reaper may portray death, however Skulls with a clock can portray time. When designing a Skull tattoo, I use a 3D program to position the skull in a way that fits well with the area that you choose to be tattooed. This 3D program provides an accurate and detailed result.
Come in with your Skull design in mind, or feel free to come in and look at my various skulls designs. Let’s work on it together and create a perfect tattoo that you’d love.