4 Common Tattoo Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

4 Common Tattoo Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

False information regarding tattoos has been circulating for centuries. Society catches on to a lie and then that misinformation lives until people like us debunk them. The internet has done a good job addressing these claims and ensuring people understand the myths. These are four common tattoo myths and misconceptions debunked. The next time you hear one, ensure you correct the individual.

Myth #1: Tattoos Are Incredibly Painful

Yes, all tattoos will have some pain level. However, not every tattoo will be so painful you can’t handle it. Pain is subjective, and it varies from person to person. Many tattoo enthusiasts you talk to will compare the application process to scratching a sunburn. Plus, there are numbing creams many tattoo shops use to help alleviate some of the pain. Making the customers comfortable is important.

Myth #2: Tattoos Lead to Cancer

Dermatologists consider tattoos to be safe when a tattoo studio follows proper safety and health guidelines. This myth came from a single report that said tattoo ink contains chemicals and minerals like cobalt and aluminum. There is zero hard evidence that tattoos cause cancer.

We encourage people to go to reputable tattoo studios because any artist following strict safety guidelines is worth your time and money. If not, you could endure other health risks like infections. InkNation Studio is a premier tattoo parlor in NYCthat ensures all customers that our artists follow these rules and regulations.

Myth #3: You Can Never Remove a Tattoo

There was a time when tattoos were permanent. When you got one, that was it, but times have changed. You can get laser removal, dermabrasion, removal creams, and surgical procedures. Science and medical professionals have made it possible to remove a tattoo.

Myth #4: Excessively Applying Ointment Will Heal Your Tattoo Faster

Proper aftercare is incredibly important for every tattoo; part of that is keeping the healing tattoo hydrated. It’s important to note that too much ointment can suffocate the skin, which disrupts the healing process. If you’re unsure how much is too much, talk with your tattoo artist during the appointment. They’ll provide professional information to ensure a well-healed tattoo.

Just because tattoos have been around for centuries doesn’t stop the rumors from flying. Understanding the above common tattoo myths will help debunk and eliminate them from society. Let’s stop this false information.